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Ballymaloe Cookery School Voucher

You have chosen to purchase a voucher for this Course

Cooking for Friends and Family with Rachel Allen Part 1 starting 8th September 2025 09:30 am
Voucher Price
€ 895.00

Please Note

  • Please let your friend know you have booked them on the course.
  • All our vouchers are issued with a Euro amount as well as the details of the course you have requested.
  • If you provide us with recipient details we will contact recipient 2 weeks prior to course
  • If recipient cannot attend the course they must let us know before the start date of the course.
  • If the recipient wishes to use the voucher for another purpose the voucher can be redeemed towards any other course, stream or subscription at Ballymaloe Cookery School or a stay at Ballymaloe House.